Recent Advocacy
2025 Policies and Actions
February 26th: Coalition Letter to Congress to prevent tax increases on families and businesses
February 13th: Industry Coalition Letter on King Cove Draft SEIS
January 31st: Coalition Letter on Proposed Amendments to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 29
January 28th: Alaska Coalition Letter to CODEL on Universal Services Fund
January 20th: Alaska Chamber Statement on Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump
2025 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
March 14 - HB25 (Disposable Food Service Ware) Public Testimony - House Labor & Commerce
March 12 - HB75 (PFD Employment Eligibility) Invited Testimony - House Labor & Commerce
March 10 - HB25 (Disposable Food Service Ware) Opposition Letter - House Labor & Commerce
March 3 - HB113 (Small Business Tax Exemption) Public Testimony - House Labor & Commerce
March 3 - HB113 (Small Business Tax Exemption) Support Letter - House Labor & Commerce
February 18 - HB75 (PFD Employment Eligibility) Support Letter - House State Affairs
February 5 - Presentation on Child Care - House Labor & Commerce
Senate Legislation
March 20 - SB121 (75th Percentile Rule) Public Testimony - Senate Health & Social Services
March 20 - SB121 (75th Percentile Rule) Opposition Letter - Senate Health & Social Services
March 18 - SB35 (Delivery Network Companies) Public Testimony - Senate State Affairs
March 18 - SB35 (Delivery Network Companies) Support Letter - Senate State Affairs
March 14 - SB96 (Child Care Tax Credits) Invited Testimony - Senate Labor & Commerce
March 3 - SB92 (Corporate Income Tax; Oil & Gas) Public Testimony - Senate Resources
February 24 - SB22 (Financial Literacy) Public Testimony - Senate Education
February 11 - SB22 (Financial Literacy) Support Letter - Senate Education
February 3 - SB77 (PFD Employment Eligibility) Support Letter - Senate Labor & Commerce
February 3 - SB77 (PFD Employment Eligibility) Invited Testimony - Senate Labor & Commerce
2024 Policies and Actions
November 5th: National Association of Maufacturers Coalition Letter to the President-Elect
October 30th: Coalition Letter from State Chambers on Boeing Strike
October 29th: Coalition Letter to Alaska DNR on Instream Flow Reservation
September 18th: Alaska Coalition Press Release on the NPRA RFI
September 12th: Coalition Letter to Congress to prevent tax increases on families and businesses
September 6th: Alaska Coalition Letter Opposing Chinook Salmon ESA Lising
June 28th: Alaska Coalition Press Release on the Ambler ROD
June 20th: Alaska Coalition Letter to BLM on the Ambler SEIS
June 12th: Coalition Letter to the Federal Administration on Digital Trade
May 24th: Coalition Letter to Federal Trade Commission on Noncompete Rule
May 20th: Support Letter for Port of Seward Shore Power Project
April 26th: Coalition Press Release to AK CODEL Thanking Support of Donlin Gold project
April 19th: Coalition Press Release Opposing the NPR-A Rule
April 19th: Coalition Press Release Opposing Biden's Decision on Ambler
April 10th: Coalition Letter to the EPA Opposing CARB's In-Use Locomotive Regulations
April 5th: Coalition Letter to Congress in support of H.R. 6655 and H.R. 6585
March 18th: Coalition Letter to Secretary of the Interior Opposing the Ban on LNG Export Reviews
March 15th: Coalition Press Release Applauding Resolution to Oppose BLM's Proposed NPR-A Rule
2024 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
May 4 - HB88 (Warehouse Work Quotas) Opposition Letter - Senate Labor and Commerce
May 3 - HB149 (Nurse Licensure Compact) Testimony - House Finance
March 6 - HJR20 (National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska) Testimony - Senate Resources
March 5 - HB376 (Delivery Network Companies) Support Letter - House Transportation
February 23 - HJR20 (National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska) Testimony - House Resources
February 16 - HJR20 (National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska) Support Letter - House Resources
February 16 - HB89 (Child Care Assistance) Support Letter
February 14 - HB192 (Delivery/Pick up Alcohol) Testimony - House Labor and Commerce
February 13 - HB192 (Delivery/Pick up Alcohol) Support Letter - House Labor and Commerce
Senate Legislation
May 15 - SB189 (AK Commission on Aging) Support Letter - Members of the Senate
May 6 - SB99 (Financial Literacy in School) Support Letter - House Finance
May 4 - SB85 (PFD Allowable Absences) Support Letter - Senate Rules
April 5 - SB60 (Repeal Workers' Compensation Appeals Commission) Opposition Letter - Senate Finance
March 5 - SB196 (Employer Drug Testing) Support Letter - Senate Labor & Commerce
February 19 - Spending Cap Testimony - Senate Judiciary
February 13 - SB120 (Extend Education Tax Credits) Invited Testimony - Senate Finance
2023 Policies and Actions
December 20th: Ambler Access Project DSEIS Comment Letter
December 6th: NPR-A New Proposed Rule Comment Letter
November 7th: Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity Coalition Letter
November 2nd: ANWR Coastal Plain DSEIS Comment Letter
November 2nd: Coalition Letter to Congress to Expand Tax Policies Vital to Workers
October 27th: Press Release Announcing the National Civics Bee in Alaska
September 15: House Natural Resources Committee ANWR Hearing Comments
September 12: Coalition Press Release Challenging the Reimposition of the Roadless Rule
September 6: Coalition Statement on Biden Administration ANWR Decision
September 1: Op-Ed, EPA’s Pebble action sets an unfair precedent for Alaska development
July 27: Coalition Letter to Congress on Arbitration Legislation
July 20: Coalition Letter to Biden Administration about Teamsters/UPS Contract Negotiations
July 5: Coalition Letter to BLM on Conservation and Landscape Health Proposed Rule
May 26: Joint Statement on Sackett v. EPA Ruling
May 23: Support for NorthLink Aviation FONSI and ROD
May 23: Support for Alternative D in Hecla Greens Creek Mining Company's DSEIS
May 1: Coalition Letter to Congress on Immigration Reform
April 17: Coalition Letter to Federal Trade Commission on Noncompete Clause Rule
March 28: Coalition Letter on H.R. 1 - Lower Energy Costs Act
March 27: Coalition Letter to Congress on Permitting Reform
March 13: Business groups celebrate Willow, have grave concerns about future land lock-up
March 10: Reaction to leaked Willow Project announcement
2023 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
May 5 - HB143 (Advanced Recycling) Support Letter - House Labor and Commerce
May 2 - Business Coalition Letter on 404 Primacy (HB39 Operating Budget) to Members of the Senate
April 20 - HB124 (CDL Licenses) Public Testimony - House Transportation
April 20 - HB39 (Operating Budget) Testimony before Senate Finance on 404 primacy
April 19 - HB124 (CDL Licenses) Support Letter - House Transportation
April 11 - HB149 (Nurse Licensure Compact) Support Letter - House Labor and Commerce
March 22 - HB39 (Operating Budget) Testimony on 404 primacy
February 15 - Spending Cap Testimony before House Judiciary
Senate Legislation
May 15 - SB114 (Oil and Gas Taxes) Opposition Letter - Senate Finance
May 15 - SB122 (Apportion Taxable Income) Opposition Letter - Senate Finance
May 4 - SB114 (Oil and Gas Taxes) Opposition Testimony - Senate Finance
April 19 - SB123 (CDL Licenses) Support Letter - Senate Labor and Commerce
April 3 - SB85 (PFD Allowable Absences) Support Letter - Senate Labor and Commerce
March 15 - SB68 (Public Notice Water Rights) Support Letter - Senate Resources
2022 Policies and Actions
December 30 - Trade Groups WOTUS Press Release
November 15 – Telehealth Stakeholder Letter
September 9 – Coalition letter to delay reimposition of Roadless Rule
September 6 - Concerns with Pebble Proposed Determination
September 6: Coalition Letter on Proposed Determination of Pebble project
August 10 – Support Letter for DSEIS Willow Master Development Plan
August 5- Coalition Letter Opposing the Inflation Reduction Act
June 29 - Manufacturers letter to POTUS re Electric Security
May 12 - Chamber position on CS HB281
March 14 - Joint Letter, Trade Groups: Port of Alaska
March 7 - Joint Letter, Trade Groups: DOI America the Beautiful Atlas RFI - 30x30 Goal
March 7 - Support Letter for Environmental Impact Statement on the Willow Master Development Plan
2022 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
2021 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
HB76, Extending Alaska's Emergency Declaration Testimony
HJR12, Endorsing ANWR Leasing Testimony
HJR13, Urge Exemption for Cruise Ships
HB 188, Seafood Product Development Credit
Senate Legislation
SB56, Extending Alaska's Emergency Declaration Testimony
2021 Policies and Actions
February 2 - Coalition Willow Support Letter
February 3 - Joint Letter from ATIA, RDC and Alaska Chamber - Return to Cruising
February 5 - Op-Ed, Don't Slow Us Down! Alaska's Emergency Declaration is about Access to Resources and Economic Recovery, not Mandates
March 3 - Op-Ed, Spending cap would help restore trust in government
March 4 - Senate Bill 23, Initiative Severability Support Letter
March 5 - Protecting the Right to Organize Act, H.R. 842 Sign On Letter
April 2 - Letter on the Department of Natural Resources proposed changes to water management regulations
May 20 - PFD Eligibility Letter - Department of Revenue
June 22 - Business on Budget
October 3 - Comments on SEIS and Lease Sales in ANWR
October 26 - Joint Op-Ed, Alaska Stands to benefit big with passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
November 8 - Joint Letter from RDC, AMA, The Alliance, Council of Alaska Producers and Alaska Chamber - Ambler Access Project
2020 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
Senate Legislation
SB 155 - Support for Exploration and Mining Rights; Annual Labor
2020 Policies and Actions
February - The Alaska Business Report Card letter to Legislature
February 25 - Coalition Letter Opposing Latest Proposal to Increase Industry Taxes
April 22 - AEA EV Grant Application - Letter of Support
April 29 - Willow Supplement to Draft EIS Public Meeting - Testimony
May 20 - Coalition Liability Relief Letter to Congress
June 24 - Support for Ambler Road Predevelopment Funding - Testimony
June 25 - Association Letter to Congress on General Business Tax Credits
2019 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
HB 30 - State’s Workers’ Compensation Opposition Letter
Senate Legislation
SB 80 - Testimony
SB 80 - Initiative Severability - Support Letter for Senator Birch
SB 80 - Initiative Severability - Support Letter for Senator Coghill
SB 80 - Initiative Severability - Support Letter for Senator Kawasaki
SB 80 - Initiative Severability - Support Letter for Senator Micciche
SB 80 - Initiative Severability - Support Letter for Senator Reinbold
SB 80 - Initiative Severability - Support Letter for Senator Shower
SJR 6, CONST AM: APPROP. LIMIT; RESERVE FUND - Support Letter for the Governor
SJR 6, CONST AM: APPROP. LIMIT; RESERVE FUND - Support Letter for Senate Finance Committee
2019 Policies and Actions
December 16 - Roadless Rule Coalition Letter
December 13 - Hilcorp Acquisition RCA Comments
October 29 - RDC Objection to the Chugach National Forest Land Management Plan
July 23 - USMCA Coalition Letter
April 26 - The time is now to limit state spending OpEd
April 16 - Pebble DEIS Testimony
February 4 - Support for ANWR Letter
March 22 - Sustainable Fiscal Plan OpEd
2018 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
HB 27 - High Risk Chemicals for Child Exposure Letter
CSHB 27 - Coalition Opposition Letter
HB 76 - Mariculture Revolving Loan Fund Letter
HB 56 - Commercial Fishing Loans Letter
HB 79 - Workers' Compensation Letter
HB 128 - Shellfish Enhance Projects; Hatcheries Letter
HB 142 - Unemployment Benefits Letter
CSHB 199 - Coalition Letter of Opposition
HB 277 - Net Neutrality Letter
HB 331 - Tax Credit Cert. Bond Corp; Royalties Letter
HB 399 - Corporate Tax Credits Letter
Senate Legislation
SB 38 - Pharmacy Benefits Manager Letter
SB 112 - Comprehensive Workers' Compensation Reform Letter
SB 116 - Education Tax Credits Letter
SB 155 - Real Estate Appraisal Management Companies Letter
SB 176 - Tax Credit Cert Bond Corp; Royalties Letter
2018 Policies and Actions
October 15 - Coalition Roadless Rule Comments
September 20 - Willow Project Support Letter
July 9 - ANWR Support Letter
June 19 - ANWR Lease Sale Support Letter
May 4 - The Deception of Stand for Salmon OpEd
May 1 - Greater Mooses Tooth 2 Support Letter
April 17 - Beaufort Lease Sales Support Letter
March 13 - Opportunity Zones for Alaska OpEd
February 15 - COSC Infrastructure Sign-On Letter
January 8 - Opening ANWR OpEd
2017 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
House Legislation
HB 111 - Oil & Gas Production Tax; Payments; Credits Letter
HB 115 - Income Tax; PFD Credit; Perm Fund Income Letter
HB 115 - Relevant Facts
HB 115 - Income Tax; PFD Credit; Perm Fund Income Letter to Costello
HB 132 - Transportation Network Companies Letter to CHA TRA Letter
HB 132 - Transportation Network Companies to Letter to CHJ L&C
HJR 5 - ANWR Letter
HB 199 - Coalition Letter
Senate Legislation
SB 3 - Small Vessel Wastewater Exemption Letter
SB 14 - Transportation Network Companies Letter
SB 26 - Perm. Fund; Deposits; Dividend; Earnings to Bishop
SB 26 - Perm. Fund; Deposits; Dividend; Earnings to Coghill
SB 26 - Perm. Fund; Deposits; Dividend; Earnings to Stevens
SB 38 - Pharmacy Benefits Managers Letter
SB 56 - Product Warranties and Required Updates
SB 70 - Approp. Limit; Budget Process; Perm Fund Letter
SJR 5 - OCS & ANWR Letter
SJRes 15 - Murkowski BLM Repeal Letter
2017 Legislative Letters and Testimonies
January 5 - 80th Percentile Rule Change Letter
January 31 - NAM Wilbur Ross Letter
February 1 - NAM Infrastructure Letter
February 2 - CERCLA Extension Letter
February 6 - Regulatory Accountability Act Coalition Letter
February 7 - NAM Steven Mnuchin Letter
February 8 - Alaska Chamber responds to HB 111 Letter
February 14 - NAM Linda McMahon Letter
February 14 - Halt EPA Preemptive Vetos Letter
February 16 - Our Path Forward: Determined Optimism OpEd
February 27 - PWSRCAC Recertification Letter
February 28 - NAM Input Letter
March 1 - ABRC Letter to Legislators
March 8 - FICALA Coalition Letter
March 13 - ABRC Letter to Governor
March 27 - What’s obvious to Alaskans continues to bewilder legislators OpEd
April 12 - Alaska's broken workers' compensation system OpEd
April 24 - Cook Inlet producers power Alaskan business OpEd
April 25 - NAM R. Alexander Acosta Letter
May 8 - Support for Robert Lighthizer as U.S. Trade Representative Letter
June 12 - The Need for Compromise OpEd
July 18 - Support for the Ozone Standards Implementation Act Letter
July 27 - Fish Habitat Initiative Comment Letter
July 27 - Outer Continental Shelf 5-Year Plan Support Letter
July 27 - Support SJ Resolution 47 Letter
July 27 - Marvin Kaplan NLRB Letter
August 11 - ASAP Gasline Draft EIS Letter
September 14 - Wealth creation, not taxes, is the solution to fiscal woes OpEd
September 21 - Response to Representative Ortiz Letter
September 25 - Amazon HQ2 – the answer to Alaska’s economic diversification OpEd
September 28 - Coalition Letter to Congress on Tax Reform and Budget
October 16 - Support for Appeal of Ruling on Ballot Initiative 17FSH2 Coalition Letter
October 17 - Amazon HQ2 Letter
December 6 - Support for a Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act Letter