Maybe you’ve never drilled a core sample, visited the slope, or stepped foot on a cruise ship, but Alaska’s industries are still your business.
These key industries provide high-paying jobs, generate tax revenue funding our roads and schools, and create a strong foundation for our state’s economy.
Keeping investment and responsible development in Alaska is everyone’s business.
It’s not just the mining business, it’s your business
$1.1 billion in wages statewide
Supports 11,800 jobs
$1.1 billion spent annually with over 450 Alaska businesses
Source: Alaska Miners Association
It’s not just the oil & gas business, it’s your business
Supports 69,250 jobs
$5.9 billion in wages
Provides 47% of the state’s revenue
Source: Alaska Oil & Gas Association
This campaign is a partnership between the Alaska Chamber and the State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development.